Look of the Day

It is a common theory that fashion mirrors our world and the way we think. During WWII, and currently, military inspired looks become popular. Double closures, natural color tones like greens, tans, and browns become omnipresent, and button focused details are a hot buy. Now, with a focus on energy and environment conservation, a new trend has been emerging... fish scales... yeah, I know right. Fish scales?

Well, sexy fish scales. Designer Fannie Schiavoni has embraced the beauty of our natural world and brought it to the forefront of fashion. Debuting her reptilian metal gowns swathed with silk for her spring 2011 runway show, she isn't afraid to push the envelope for new and interesting fashion. I, for one, am absolutely in love with the new trend. It adds texture and an interesting spin on fashions that could have become washed up over time. In a world where fashion is cyclical and can easily get repeated, this is a way to break out from the norm and be a bit edgier.

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